Are Open Homes the Right Choice for You?

Athena Law

Athena Law Sales Representative

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You’ve prepared your home ready to sell – every cushion is plumped, the lawn is mowed – it’s absolutely picture perfect– and now it’s time for buyers to visit! Many of our clients wonder if open homes are the right option for them – read on to find out the top six benefits of open homes.

  • Less interruption to your household  By having set times for open homes (whether once or twice a week) it allows you plan around times that suit you, and leave you in peace for the rest of the week. Ideal for families, people with pets or those who work from home.
  • Time efficient  Open homes can attract large numbers of buyers, who together can view your house in just 45 minutes.
  • The “Buzz” Open homes create a fabulous air of activity – with cars lined up the road, multiple buyers coming and going, and helps to form a positive first impression of your home.
  • Lower pressure environment We hear time and again from buyers that they prefer to inspect properties during open homes, rather than make a specific appointment time to view.
  • Timely feedback Your agent can gather feedback in real time, and provide specific buyer comments, allowing you to gauge the market response immediately.
  • Creates competition between buyers When multiple buyers are inspecting a property at the same time, it creates a sense of competition and urgency. 

Of course, there’s no “one size fits all” solution – we tailor bespoke campaigns around the individual needs of our clients and each specific property. The mutual goal remains the same – to find the perfect buyer for your home!

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