Barry Mitchell
Sales Representative
Fantastic property right on the border of the township of Calliope and comprising 50.1ha (123 acres). It includes a 4 bedroom home with tenants who help to care for and maintain the property and it has an absolutely huge workshop.
Calliope has a population of over 3500 people and it is only a ten minute drive to Bunnings in Gladstone (population 45,130 in the 2018 Census). Gladstone has an acute shortage of rental accommodation.
In 2012 MACs Calliope spent over $29 million setting up a camp for workers building the Aluminium Plant in Gladstone for Rio Tinto. It was also used as a Motel and had 103 demountable rooms onsite when the Gas pipeline from Miles to Port Curtis was being installed. These buildings have now all been removed however all the infrastructure remains including sewer, underground street lighting, gas lines and sealed roads. See link below for a news release of when it was operating as MAC’s Calliope:
https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/gladstone/council-approves-worke rs-camp-expansion-at-calliope/news-story/59 b753a56a312ba408508391cde3d46c
Civeo MACs Calliope Hotel was set up to accommodate workers when the Miles to Curtis Point Gas line was installed.
Over $29 Million was spent on the site including:
– All relocatable buildings (since been removed) – the house and workshop still remain).
– Dedicated 300ml mains water line
– Dedicated sewerage pump and tanks (the Council made them put in its own sewerage pumping station).
– Gas lines and underground storage tanks
– Comprehensive Stormwater drains
– Bitumen roads, kerbing and lined parking.
– Four BBQ shelters which still have the gas barbecues installed remain on site.
The property is zoned rural but the local Council would be more open to a Tourist Park Use on the subject site which is also considered as Impact Assessable within the Rural Zone.
Tourist Park is defined as:
Premises used to provide for accommodation in caravans, self contained cabins, tents and similar structures for the public for short term holiday purposes.
The use may include, where ancillary, a manager’s residence and office, kiosk, amenity buildings, food and drink outlet, or the provision of recreation facilities for the use of occupants of the tourist park and their visitors, and accommodation for staff.
Examples include: Camping ground, caravan park, holiday cabins
Here is a great opportunity to take advantage of the existing infrastructure.
For more information please call Barry Mitchell 0400 730 818.
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