Megan Manly

Megan Manly Sales Representative

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Buying your first home is incredibly exciting but can also be so daunting when trying to navigate all the ins and outs. How do I make an offer? Do I need a conveyancer? What sort of deposit do I need? Ughh it can be a minefield but don’t let that hold you back from taking this exciting step towards becoming a property owner. 

I love working with first home buyers as I enjoy taking the time to walk them through the process & the most important thing you can do is have a great team around you that take the time to answer your questions & explain the process in ways you can understand. Especially when it comes to the First Home Owner Grant, First Home Guarantee and Transfer of Duty Concession.  There’s a good website here that explains these offerings in more detail: FIRST HOME BUYER CONCESSIONS 

I bought my first home at 24 and looking back now I was absolutely clueless! YouTube wasn’t a big thing back then (yes I’m THAT old) and I don’t even recall knowing or understanding what I was signing! So let’s change that for you with some of these hopefully very helpful tips for buying your first home:

  • Get the right team! 
    • Find a mortgage broker who knows their stuff! Someone you can speak to in person or via Zoom, that takes the time to explain the process to you & doesn’t overwhelm you with too much information. I have a number of tried and trusted people I can recommend.
    • Ask friends & family for recommendations on Conveyancers & find one you are comfortable talking to – and one that takes the time to talk to you! The best won’t always be the cheapest, so don’t make the mistake of choosing one based on price as you are well worth spending the extra money to get someone who is in your corner at all times! Get them to help you fill out your offer form & talk you through any contracts before signing.  Again, I have a comprehensive list of Conveyancers / Solicitors I would highly recommend.
  • Know your budget! Have your pre-approval all ready to go, this puts you in a much stronger position when making an offer. See tip above about the right broker!
  • Do your research! There are plenty of platforms & podcasts available these days to help you learn the tools & knowledge you need to get you through this process. 
  • Attend the building & pest inspection! If your offer is accepted & it’s subject to a Building & Pest inspection make sure you attend and talk things through with the inspector. Receiving a 56 page report after the fact is incredibly overwhelming for first time buyers so make the time to walk through the property with the inspector. 
  • Pre-settlement inspection. These are normally conducted a day or two before settlement, ideally after the sellers have moved out so you can check the house is in the same condition as when you signed the contract. 

This is just a few of my top tips but at the end of the day, the best thing you can do is ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS! If your agent isn’t overly communicative or doesn’t take the time to answer your questions then find one that is. Even if it’s not someone you are buying through, there are plenty of knowledgeable people out there happy to help you. 

Good luck on this amazing journey & remember it will all be worth it when you are settling into your very first home of your own!  Click through to the link at the top of the page, give me a call – I’d love to help you through this process, even if you’re not buying through me.

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